Sunday, January 1, 2012

Lunarpages Affiliate Program

The Lunarpages Affiliate Program works as a referral service. Lunarpages reward you with $65, just for spreading the good word about Lunarpages Internet Solutions and referring your friends, family, clients, coworkers, in fact absolutely anyone to Lunarpages hosting plans.

Lunarpages offer:

- $65 base commission rate
- $5 2nd tier commissions
- ready made banners
- a unique, close-knit staff
- incentives and commission raises at 100 referrals/month!
- tailored landing pages at 150 referrals/month

The best part is that you do not have to run a website or even know HTML to make money and we will work with you to make your affiliate experience a great one. Refer just two friends and you will already have earned $130.

Join with Lunarpages at

1 comment:

  1. Sudah lama aku ikut sob, tapi belum pernah dpt komisi xixixi... Nice info sob, tks.
